I've attached some pictures from yesterday.
Wrong account I used for above pictures. Sorry about it.
Anyway, I experienced some issue with the flashes. I think my flash did not synchronised properly with John's flashes. That's why I had to bump my ISO to 1200 and aperture wide open to get properly exposed picture. So first photographs with Bernard and Ryan were taken in natural light. 🤣
Silly me.
Very good Leszek it was good fun last night and pleased with the out come I will now try and add my pictures
@bernard-greasly Look forward to see the pictures. By the way the picture addon should automatically reduce the file size.
Had to do it twice Les don't know wear the first lot went so I dragged and dropped them this time
@bernard-greasly I also had this problem the first time, but the second time it worked. I will keep an eye on it if the problem persists.
One more picture of John.