Entries Due for Chairmans Challenge

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Entries Due for Chairmans Challenge
January 22, 2024 @ 08:00 – 22:00
The Chairman’s Challenge Competition returns this year – if you’re a club member and have not entered a competition before, this is a good one to start with:
A basic straight out of camera image, no editing whatsoever.
Here’s a note and some guidance from the Chairman, Pete Wrycraft:
“I think sometimes we forget just how powerful our cameras are. We seem to be more interested in tweaking/adjusting our images that have been captured in RAW format.
The aim of the Chairman’s Challenge therefore is to maybe get you to learn more about your camera’s abilities and “get it right in camera”. Images can be of any subject in either colour or monochrome that has been captured in jpg format, medium size, using whatever effects are possible using only the camera’s built-in software.
Any post-processing by any image editor is not allowed – any such editing software is to be used only to export images and upload them to CDPS email [ coalvillecdps@gmail.com ].
The maximum number of entries is as usual for competitions, 3 per member. Images will be assessed on quality, composition, and thoughtful use of camera effects. Only images specifically created for this competition and previously unseen will be allowed- so no trolling through back catalogues.
Here’s hoping the viewing of much-neglected jpgs will allow members to show their understanding of their camera’s functions. Needless to say, all images or parts thereof must have been captured by photographic means by the submitting member.”
Please email your 3 entries to: coalvillecdps@gmail.com