4th Quarterly Competition
Coalville C.A.N. Memorial Square, Coalville, United KingdomJudge: Vin Scothern PDI Theme Faces
Judge: Vin Scothern PDI Theme Faces
Full details will be added shortly. Bring your cameras
Presentation Night
The 2024/25 Season opens with a Meet and Greet event combined with a practical Table-Top practical night with a water theme. Come along and meet us all for a friendly and fun evening ~ Bring your camera and have some fun while getting to know us. Coalville & District Photographic Society is a small and […]
Come along and join us for the evening to hear a talk by Ralph Duckett
The Themes for the First Quarterly Competition of the 2024-25 Season are: Digital: 'Mainly One Colour' .Print: Open Theme All entries to be handed in or emailed to coalvillecdps@gmail.com by 10pm on Monday 23 September 2024.
1st Quarterly Competition of the 2024-25 Season The Themes for the First Quarterly Competition of the 2024-25 Season are:Digital: 'Mainly One Colour'Print: Open ThemeJudge: Dave Goacher.
Tonight we have a return visit from Martin Vaughan to talk about photographing local wildlife. If anyone has seen/heard the previous talk, I am sure you will find this equally inspiring with enlightened opportunities for taking wildlife photos without travelling too far afield and in a way that is accessible to many of us.
Join us for an entertaining evening of YouTube videos.We will watch a selection of short videos on a wide, diverse range of subjects, with time for discussion too.Come and join us for the evening; learn some hints, tips or find something that sparks an interest in a new area of photography.
Tonight will be handed over to the Club members for something akin to 'show and tell' We hope some members will send in or bring along 2 of their favourite images and share a bit more of the back story as to why and how they took the image, and what makes it a firm […]
The Themes for the Second Quarterly Competition of the 2024-25 Season are: Digital: 'Abstract'.Print: Open Theme All entries to be handed in or emailed to coalvillecdps@gmail.com by 10pm on Monday 18 November 2024.